1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the General Fund2023 intends to apply the sum of two hundred twenty thousand four hundred seventy-seven pesos and 95/100 only (Php 220,477.95) being the ABC to payments under the contract for Procurement of medicines/drugs to be used by the Rural Health Unit with identification number GP-012-23medicines. Bids received continue reading : Procurement of Medicines/Drugs to be used by Rural Health Unit
Procurement of GOODS Procurement of two (2) units Brand New Passenger Van (Multi-purpose Van)
The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the General Fund 2023(Supplemental Fund) intends to apply the sum of one million and five hundred thousand pesos only (Php 1,500,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract for the procurement of two (2) units brand new passenger van (Multi-purpose Van) to be used by Office of the continue reading : Procurement of GOODS Procurement of two (2) units Brand New Passenger Van (Multi-purpose Van)
Procurement of one (1) unit Brandnew Multicab (Lite Pick-up)
The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the General Fund 2023(Supplemental Fund) intends to apply the sum of six hundred eighty-five thousand pesos (Php 685,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract for Procurement of one (1) unit Brandnew multicab (Lite-pick-up) with identification number GP-008-23litepickup. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically continue reading : Procurement of one (1) unit Brandnew Multicab (Lite Pick-up)
Procurement of Infrastructure Projects: Development of Drainage Canal at Barangay Maytoong, Paete, Laguna
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of two hundred twelve thousand two hundred forty-six pesos and ninety centavos only (Php. 212,246.90) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the development of drainage canal at Barangay Maytoong, Paete, Laguna continue reading : Procurement of Infrastructure Projects: Development of Drainage Canal at Barangay Maytoong, Paete, Laguna
Invitation to Bid for The Procurement of one (1) unit Brandnew Multicab (Lite Pick-up)
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for The Procurement of one (1) unit Brandnew Multicab (Lite Pick-up) Item No. Description Quantity 1 Brandnew Multicab (Lite Pick-up) Engine Displacement: 1496 cc Fuel Type: Gasoline Engine type and number of Cylinder: 4-Cylinder, continue reading : Invitation to Bid for The Procurement of one (1) unit Brandnew Multicab (Lite Pick-up)
Procurement of Computer Sets, Laptops, Ordinary Printers and Three in On (Scan/Xerox/Print) Printer
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the General Fund 2023-Supplemental Budget intends to apply the sum of Four hundred and thirty thousand pesos only (Php 430,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract for Procurement of Computer Sets, Laptops, Ordinary Printers and Three in One (Scan / Xerox / Print) Printer with identification continue reading : Procurement of Computer Sets, Laptops, Ordinary Printers and Three in On (Scan/Xerox/Print) Printer
Invitation to Bid for he Procurement of one (1) unit Appledental Chair/Dental Chair
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for The Procurement of one (1) unit Appledental Chair/Dental Chair Item No. Description Quantity 1 Appledental Chair Leather with accessories Standard Configuration: Standard Accessories High Speed Handpiece connector Low Speed Handpiece onnector three-way syringe cold and continue reading : Invitation to Bid for he Procurement of one (1) unit Appledental Chair/Dental Chair
Procurement of Infrastracture Project – Construction of Local Infrastructure Multi-Purpose Building at F. Sario St. Barangay Maytoong, Paete, Laguna
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the SGLG Incentive Fund intends to apply the sum of five million pesos only (Php 5,000,000.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Construction of Local Infrastructure Multi-Purpose Building at F. Sario St. Barangay Maytoong, Paete, Laguna. Bids received in continue reading : Procurement of Infrastracture Project – Construction of Local Infrastructure Multi-Purpose Building at F. Sario St. Barangay Maytoong, Paete, Laguna
Invitation to Bid for the Procurement of Food Commodities to be used by MSWD Office
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the MDRRMO General Fund 2023 intends to apply the sum of two hundred thousand pesos only (Php 200,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract for Procurement of food commodities to be used as stockpile by MSWD Office with identification number GP-005-23FoodCommodities1st. Bids received in excess of continue reading : Invitation to Bid for the Procurement of Food Commodities to be used by MSWD Office
Invitation to Bid for the Procurement of PPR Materials
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the 20% Development Fund 2023 intends to apply the sum of one hundred forty-seven thousand four hundred and eight pesos only (Php 147,408.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract for Procurement of PPR materials to be used for the installation of water distribution line for the continue reading : Invitation to Bid for the Procurement of PPR Materials