Invitation to Bid for Rehabilitation/repair of Government owned potable water system

Republic of the PhilippinesProvince of LagunaMunicipality of PaeteTel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001Invitation to Bid for Rehabilitation/repair of Government owned potable water system 1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the 20% Development fund 2025 intends to apply the sum of two million five hundred thousand pesos only (Php 2,500,000.00) being the Approved Budget for continue reading : Invitation to Bid for Rehabilitation/repair of Government owned potable water system

Invitation to Bid for Drilling of Water Source at barangay Bagumbayan and Barangay Ibaba del Sur

Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for Drilling of Water Source at barangay Bagumbayan and Barangay Ibaba del Sur Description of Work The  schedule of BAC activities is as follows: BAC Activities Schedule 1. Advertisement/Issuance of Bidding Documents January 15-Feb 4, 2025 continue reading : Invitation to Bid for Drilling of Water Source at barangay Bagumbayan and Barangay Ibaba del Sur

Invitation to Bid for Improvement of Road Quesada st. Brgy Ibaba del Sur, Paete, Laguna

Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for Improvement of Road Quesada st. Brgy Ibaba del Sur, Paete, Laguna Description of Work The  schedule of BAC activities is as follows: BAC Activities Schedule 1. Advertisement/Issuance of Bidding Documents January 15-Feb 4, 2025 2. continue reading : Invitation to Bid for Improvement of Road Quesada st. Brgy Ibaba del Sur, Paete, Laguna

Invitation to Bid Improvement of Multi-purpose Facility at F. sario Street Barangay Maytoong Paete, Laguna

Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for Improvement of Multi-purpose Facility at F. Sario St. Barangay Maytoong, Paete, laguna Description of Work The  schedule of BAC activities is as follows: BAC Activities Schedule 1. Advertisement/Issuance of Bidding Documents January 15-Feb 4, 2025 continue reading : Invitation to Bid Improvement of Multi-purpose Facility at F. sario Street Barangay Maytoong Paete, Laguna