Pursuant to the provisions of Section 165 of COA Circular No. 92-386 dated October 22, 1992, there will be an AUCTION SALE (SEALED Bidding) on (February 12, 2024 @ 9:30 am) at the Office of the General Services, Municipal Hall of Paete, Laguna for the following properties (Municipal Vehicles): Lot No. Item Description Floor Price continue reading : INVITATION TO BID / NOTICE OF SALE of MOTOR VEHICLES
Procurement of Perishable and non- Perishable Goods for Supplemental feeding program
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for Procurement of Perishable and non- Perishable Goods for Supplemental feeding program Item No. Description Quantity 1 Rice 200 cavans 2 Nutribun 8925 pcs 3 Pork kasim (fresh) 470 kgs 4 Pork giniling (fresh) 470 kgs continue reading : Procurement of Perishable and non- Perishable Goods for Supplemental feeding program
Procurement of Travel, Foods and Venue Accommodation for the Basic Incident Command System Training
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for Procurement of Travel, Foods and Venue Accommodation for the Basic Incident Command System Training Description Quantity unit 1. 37 person -Venue, Food and Roundtrip Bus Roundtrip Bus Transfer (vice versa) 2 night Accommodation continue reading : Procurement of Travel, Foods and Venue Accommodation for the Basic Incident Command System Training
Procurement of Infrastructure Project – Concreting of Madriñan Extension at Barangay Ibaba del Sur, Paete, Laguna
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the 20% Development Fund intends to apply the sum of four hundred sixty-three thousand six hundred seventy-seven pesos and ninety centavos only (Php. 463,677.90) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract for the Concreting of Madriñan Extension at Barangay Ibaba del Sur, continue reading : Procurement of Infrastructure Project – Concreting of Madriñan Extension at Barangay Ibaba del Sur, Paete, Laguna
The Procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Excavator Crawler Type (Backhoe)
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the MDRRMO Trust Fund intends to apply the sum of three million and seven hundred thousand pesos only (Php 3,700,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract for the procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Excavator Crawler Type (Backhoe) with project identification number GP-013-23BACKHOE. Bids received continue reading : The Procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Excavator Crawler Type (Backhoe)
The Procurement of Construction Materials to be used for the repair and maintenance of Sanitary Landfill at Sitio Sta. Ana, Barangay Ermita, Paete, Laguna
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the Provincial Fund 2023 intends to apply the sum of three hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred eighty-eight pesos and eighty centavos (Php 399,988.80) being the ABC to payments under the contract for Procurement of Construction Materials to be used for the repair and maintenance of Sanitary Landfill at continue reading : The Procurement of Construction Materials to be used for the repair and maintenance of Sanitary Landfill at Sitio Sta. Ana, Barangay Ermita, Paete, Laguna
The Procurement of Waterworks Materials to be used for the rehabilitation of water distribution line at Upland, Paete, Laguna
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the 20% Development Fund 2023 intends to apply the sum of five hundred forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight pesos and forty centavos (Php 549,998.40) being the ABC to payments under the contract for Procurement of Waterworks Materials to be used for the rehabilitation of water distribution line continue reading : The Procurement of Waterworks Materials to be used for the rehabilitation of water distribution line at Upland, Paete, Laguna
Procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Ambulance
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the Local Government Support Fund – Financial Assistance intends to apply the sum of one million pesos only (Php 1,000,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract for the procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Ambulance with project identification number GP-017-23Ambulance. Bids received in excess of continue reading : Procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Ambulance
Procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Excavator Crawler Type (Backhoe)
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the MDRRMO Trust Fund intends to apply the sum of three million and seven hundred thousand pesos only (Php 3,700,000.00) being the ABC to payments under the contract for the procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Excavator Crawler Type (Backhoe) with project identification number GP-013-23BACKHOE. Bids received continue reading : Procurement of one (1) unit Brand New Excavator Crawler Type (Backhoe)
Procurement of Construction Materials to be used for the repair and maintenance of Sanitary Land Fill at Sitio Sta.Ana, Barangay Ermita, Paete, Laguna
1. The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the Provincial Fund 2023 intends to apply the sum of three hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred eighty-eight pesos and eighty centavos (Php 399,988.80) being the ABC to payments under the contract for Procurement of Construction Materials to be used for the repair and maintenance of Sanitary Landfill at continue reading : Procurement of Construction Materials to be used for the repair and maintenance of Sanitary Land Fill at Sitio Sta.Ana, Barangay Ermita, Paete, Laguna