Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for Road Widening at Sitio Alutay to Saray Road (UP Land Grant) The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the Provincial Assistance intends to apply the sum of Five hundred thousand pesos only (Php 500,000.00) being the continue reading : Invitation to Bid for Road Widening at Sitio Alutay to Saray Road (UP Land Grant)
Invitation to Bid for Procurement of Food Commodities
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for The Procurement of food commodities The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the General Fund 2021-MDDRRMO Fundintends to apply the sum of three hundred twenty-seven thousand seven hundred twenty pesos only (Php 327,720.00) being the ABC continue reading : Invitation to Bid for Procurement of Food Commodities
Invitation to Bid for Construction of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Papatahan
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for Construction of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Papatahan The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the LGSF-FALGU Year 2021 intends to apply the sum of fifteen million pesos only (Php 15,000,000.00) being the Approved Budget continue reading : Invitation to Bid for Construction of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Papatahan
Invitation to Bid for Concreting of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Sta. Ana
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for Concreting of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Sta. Ana The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the LGSF-FALGU Year 2021 intends to apply the sum of nine million pesos only (Php 9,000,000.00) being the Approved continue reading : Invitation to Bid for Concreting of Farm to Market Road at Sitio Sta. Ana
Invitation to Bid Deepwell Drilling and Installation of Water Submersible Pump at Barangay Quinale, Paete, Laguna
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid Deepwell Drilling and Installation of Water Submersible Pump at Barangay Quinale, Paete, Laguna The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the 20% development fund 2021 intends to apply the sum of Five hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred continue reading : Invitation to Bid Deepwell Drilling and Installation of Water Submersible Pump at Barangay Quinale, Paete, Laguna
Invitation to Bid Installation of Water Transmission line from Barangay Ilaya del norte to Barangay Ilaya del Sur
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid Installation of Water Transmission line from Barangay Ilaya del norte to Barangay Ilaya del Sur The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the 20% development fund 2021 intends to apply the sum of one hundred ninety-nine thousand continue reading : Invitation to Bid Installation of Water Transmission line from Barangay Ilaya del norte to Barangay Ilaya del Sur
INVITATION TO BID FOR the Procurement of watermeter and wso fittings
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for the Procurement of watermeter and wso fittings The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the General Fund 2021-20% Development Fundintends to apply the sum of three hundred ninety-nine thousand two hundred fifty pesos only (Php 399,250.00) continue reading : INVITATION TO BID FOR the Procurement of watermeter and wso fittings
INVITATION TO BID FOR the procurement of one unit Passenger van-Ambulance vehicle conversion
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid for the procurement of one unit Passenger van-Ambulance vehicle conversion The Municipality of Paete, Laguna through the General Fund -MDRRMO Fundintends to apply the sum of one million seven hundred fifty-three thousand four hundred pesos only continue reading : INVITATION TO BID FOR the procurement of one unit Passenger van-Ambulance vehicle conversion
Invitation to Bid Slope Protection & Road Improvements at Feeder Road Sitio Casile Barangay Quinale
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid Slope Protection & Road Improvements at Feeder Road Sitio Casile Barangay Quinale The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the Disaster Reduction and Rehabilitation Program-NDRRMC intends to apply the sum of three hundred seventy three thousand four continue reading : Invitation to Bid Slope Protection & Road Improvements at Feeder Road Sitio Casile Barangay Quinale
Invitation to Bid Rehabilitation of Farm to Market Road at Feeder Road Sitio Casile Barangay Quinale
Republic of the Philippines Province of Laguna Municipality of Paete Tel. Nos. (049) 501-6490-101, (049) 557-0001 Invitation to Bid Rehabilitation of Farm to Market Road at Feeder Road Sitio Casile Barangay Quinale The Municipality of Paete, Laguna, through the Disaster Reduction and Rehabilitation Program-NDRRMC intends to apply the sum of one million fifty thousand seven continue reading : Invitation to Bid Rehabilitation of Farm to Market Road at Feeder Road Sitio Casile Barangay Quinale